Sandwich approves money for school building repairs

Sandwich High School

SANDWICH — Residents of Sandwich approved a $13 million debt foreclosure for school improvements at the May 2 annual town hall meeting.

The work would take place at Oak Ridge School, Forestdale School and Sandwich High School. Kevin Lasit, director of Sandwich High’s theater company, asked people to support the article as the school’s facilities need critical upgrades.

“The roof continually leaks when it rains or when the snow melts. During rehearsals, we have about eight to ten large trash cans that collect water,” Lasit said, citing a dangerous incident when water seeped onto the stage during a live performance.

The item, which would also include improvements to the city’s social services building, was passed at a town meeting. It was then put as a question on the ballot on Thursday May 5, where voters also approved the plan.

Section 18, which would allow Sandwich to have adult marijuana stores, sparked discussion at the meeting.

Adam Higgins, a Sandwich resident who is opening a cannabis store in Orleans, asked meeting members to consider approving the article because it would create additional funds for the city.

“Sandwich has a large population with a small tax base. We cannot continue to tax personal property. We need to develop new revenue streams, new industries,” Higgins said.

Although several residents made comments to speak out against the measure, it ended up passing with a 2/3 majority vote.

One issue that didn’t find enough support to pass was a petition for a ban on single-use plastic water bottles. Although other Cape towns passed similar bans, members of the Sandwich town assembly did not endorse the article.

By Brian Engles, NewsCenter.

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